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Civic Engagement for Teens!

Young Voices & Advocates is for youth who want to learn more about how government leaders, policy and advocates determine action on issues that matter to you. 


Learn from local leaders and elected official on these topics:

Government 101

  • Learn about the various levels of government from actual officials 
  • Speakers include city and county commissioners, school board members, state legislators, congressional members, and judges

Campaigns, Elections and Voting 

  • Discover the different types of elections (municipal, gubernatorial, primary, presidential, etc.) and how your vote counts
  • Speakers include elected officials 

Field Trips

  • Visit various governmental locations that may include the Supervisor of Elections Office, County and Municipal office tours, or the Clerk of Courts


  • What is advocacy? 
  • Youth-led advocacy groups present issues of interest and share steps to raise their voice 
  • Includes a Digital Action Advocacy Activity 

Mock City Council Meeting

  • Take a turn at conducting municipal business!

Ready to be heard? Just Say YEP!

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